
My Projects

Shopping List Manager for Vulnerable People screenshot.

Shopping List Manager for Vulnerable People

My final year university project. Inspired by the struggles vulnerable people had during COVID, it allows users to create shopping lists that can be sent to a helper to buy in-shop on their behalf. The project consists of an Android app and Node.js server which communicate using a custom REST API. The server manages user accounts, permissions, and sessions, as well as scrapes shopping websites for product descriptions, availability, and price; all of this is stored in a Postgresql database.

Nubster screenshot.


Lego collection manager that breaks down your collection into individual pieces from sets.

Future Films screenshot.

Future Films

Search for upcoming films or series from the IMDb API and set up a reminder for when they are released.

Trivia Lime screenshot.

Trivia Lime

A trivia quiz mini-game where the user can select categories of questions to answer and save there best score to a scoreboard database. The questions were retrieved from a global questions API that allows users to submit there own.

My Self-Love Supply screenshot.

My Self-Love Supply

A blog and web-shop produced for a client. The server displayed products from a Shopify shop.